
Workers’ Compensation Seminar – May 10, 2010 – Free to Injured Workers in PA

Representing injured workers in Pennsylvania workers’ compensation cases, we realize how scary and unfamiliar the PA workers’ comp system can be, especially to an injured worker who does not have an attorney representing them. As we try to do from time to time, we are sponsoring a free PA workers’ compensation seminar on Monday, May 10, 2010, at 6:00 p.m. at our Trevose office (Three Neshaminy Interplex, Suite 301)[Just North of Northeast Philadelphia, just off the Roosevelt Boulevard/Route One, I-95 and the Pennsylvania Turnpike].

We are excited to have Dr. Joel Kravitz, who is Board Certified in Occupational Medicine and Family Medicine, as well as Dr. Gene Nelson, Clinical Care Coordinator at Progress Physical Therapy Centers, and Bill Leitzel, MS Physical Therapist at Progress Physical Therapy Centers joining us for this seminar. In addition to speaking, all of the panelists will be available to answer the many questions you may have.

We encourage all injured workers to take advantage of this unique opportunity to have both your medical and legal questions answered. This is a rare opportunity, and seating is limited, so we ask that you call our offices at (215) 244-8101 to reserve your spot. If you are unable to attend this free seminar, but would like to schedule a personal appointment with us, also feel free to call us to schedule.

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