
Metal Hip Replacements May Wear Better, But Have Dangerous Potential Effects

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, recent advances in hip replacements have made the procedure easier, and made the results last longer. All of the news is not good, however, as these advances may come with potential consequences.

Metal-on-metal hip replacements can dramatically improve a patient’s quality of life, and return an injured worker to gainful employment. Unfortunately, the metal-on-metal hip replacements can also lead to cobalt toxicity. Patients getting metal-on-metal hip replacements may require some monitoring, or testing, after the procedure, to make sure cobalt levels are not unusually elevated.

The type of hip replacement performed, and, of course, whether a patient should even get a hip replacement at all, are discussions we encourage our clients to have with their orthopedic surgeons.

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